Sunday, July 20, 2014

Today Was Sunday

 Once upon a Time, today was sunday. Not a very eventful day... We didnt go to any temples for the first day in five days!! It felt a little weird.. I will definitely miss going to the temple every day when I am up in Cincinnati! We went to church and then we went to visit some of my parent's friends and some nice people from my ward who are also up in Utah right now. Its nice to see a couple people before I leave. This week has truly, truly been the biggest blessing in more ways than I can even recount to you!! The Big Guy in the Sky really does know his stuff I guess :P And I must remember to thank the Lord daily. For absolutely everything. Because the Lord has granted me soooooo many things, even breath and no matter what I do or how much I thank him, I will still be indebted to him forever and ever. Just like when we came home, and it was raining and we sat inside with the back door open, because my grandma has a tin roof over her back porch, and there is nothing like the sound of rain on a tin roof!! Its beautiful, even a thing as small as that and we should be incredibly grateful even for that. For the beautiful sound that the rain makes on a tin roof. So today has definitely been a very happily ever after day!! ^.^ 

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