Friday, July 25, 2014

First day at the MTC

Once upon a time . . . I finally arrived at the MTC, (missionary training center).
So, my first day at the MTC was sooooo intense! Right when you guys dropped me off, I got super overwhelmed and they took me to my class and I was super shy at first and didn't talk to anyone at first. My class is made up of 6 elders who are going to the Salt Lake City mission and there is one companionship who are already my best friends!!! One is from Missouri and he just pokes fun at me all the day long, and we have an on-going little joke that we do whenever we talk to each other that just annoys my companion to death!! So maybe I might need to work on that...  There are two elders in our district from Georgia and Alabama, so we make them all talk in their southern accents all day longgggggg cuz its just so fantastic to listen to!!! Our district is suuuuuuuuuuuper close and suuuuuper tight. We eat every meal together because the elders keep saving seats for us at dinner so now its just tradition that we all sit together every meal and I just love it. We are so tight and so close already every single one of us!! My companion is from Logan Utah and is a mediveal fencer who sews her own renaissance clothing and is a theater major at SUU! I never knew her because she is a year younger than me. I'm the second oldest in the district, the oldest is one of the elders and although we are the oldest ones there, we are by far the silliest goofiest and least mature of all of them!! hahahah. 

One of the elder's reminds me so much of DJ! He is just such a little pill but he's sooooo humorous and he gets all of my movie and tv references!! We share a room with two other sisters who are also going to Cincinnati and who are in our district obviously. They are the sweetest girls in the whole world and I would hang out with them more if it weren't that we get split up a lot during the day and put into groups with a bunch of elders a lot. The other two girls are so also the ones that I met on facebook and it was soooooo funny, one sister told me that when she met me on facebook she thought that I was really actually widowed because that is what it says on my facebook page!!! hahahahahahha  

I may have been a little too rambunctious the first night because dinner was not very healthy... I was still not very hungry so I didn't eat what they were serving. Instead I just went and got a bowl of fruit loops and then I heard that they had ice cream instead, and also that there was a salad bar. So I went over with my companion to go get some salad, but when we got back to the table, I was carrying the biggest bowl of ice cream instead, and the elders asked me "what happened to the salad?" and I looked at my companion and was like "oh no!! I totally forgot about salad!!" They just started laughing so hard! I think that is when all of the joking started. The rest of the night was kind of a huge party... I really need to start being more spiritual and more reverent! But they played the most amazing most beautiful piano rendition of Come Thou Fount for the first meeting when we got there that first night, and it just filled me with so much spirit!! What are the odds that they played that song, that very night that I got into the MTC??? It was divinely inspired. I think the Lord inspired them to play that song to remind me to get more spiritual and more serious. What a tender mercy!! So that was my first day. :} I love you all!!! 

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