Sunday, July 20, 2014

It Was A Day of Revelation!

The fourth day was a very nice day. So I have decided that while I am in Utah, I am going to go and visit as many temples as I possibly can before I go into the MTC next wednesday! So me and my grandma drove up to the Bountiful temple. I love going to all the different temples every day. Each one has its very own architecture and with it, each its own story. And I love looking at the chandeliers in each temple because each one is different as well. Also, I always make a new friend in the temple every single time I go. Mostly old ladies, but old ladies are the very best! ^.^ They touch my heart every single one of them, and I'd be best friends with every old lady in the whole world if I could! So thats why else I like the temples so much, cuz all the old ladies there. :] Then we went home and did scripture study for the whole rest of the day. Which leads me to my mission them "Once Upon A Time" Let me explain because it may seem very silly to you before you understand why :] So I was reading my Book of Mormon. Im reading it for the second time before I go into the MTC, and I came across 2Nephi 5:27 and it said "And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness." It was one that I had never caught before, yet the moment I read it, I was screaming in my mind so excitedly, "and they lived happily ever after!! and they lived happily ever after!! its right here in the Book of Mormon that they lived happily ever after!!" I swear I have never been so excited and so enlightened with a scripture before in my whole life. I wanted to dance around the room. So later when my grandma asked me if I had a scripture for us to read and talk about I showed it to her. And she said, "well now Maggie, did you choose this scripture because it was so short??" I was like "no, grandma! Listen, 'we lived after the manner of happiness' doesnt that sound like happily ever after?? is not that proof that happily ever after does exist, its right here, in the Book of Mormon!" and then she smiled and said of course. Of course only I would find happily ever after in the scriptures. And so from the moment I found that scripture, I decided to make it my mission theme. Happily ever after is real, and it is possible, for life is a fairytale and my mission is but a dream come true!! ^.^ And yes there will be hard times, there are always hard times in fairytales, always, but as long as I work hard and keep myself grounded in faith, enduring to the end, then I will always be able to find my happily ever after! And so thus begins my fairytale! And I hope that everyone in Cincinnati that I meet can find their fairytales! and their happily ever after. :] And even though my mom doesnt think that I should relate my mission to fairytales, thats just how it clicked for me. So i do apologize if I offend anyone with this. That is not my intention, but I just want everyone to be happy. And the gospel brings happiness and to me happiness is happily ever after :] Cuz im a dreamer and I like fairytales and thats just how I relate. 
      The End. 

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