Monday, September 8, 2014

Hannah's Treasure Chest

This week was great. We went with the training leaders and I had fun with them. This week has also been a week of dining out with the members. We went out to eat three times! There was one adorable little lady who took us out. She's the most memorable so far! Seriously, she is just a hoot. Sis. K and I just held in laughing THE WHOLE TIME! She's just this little 4 foot tall lady with a personality that is about 10 feet tall! Think, "Edna Mode" from the Incredibles!! lololol. She was soooooo funny! Her husband has dementia or something, but Sis K and I think it is rubbing off. She is just a riot! So that was fun.

The next day, we went to a place called "Hannah's Treasure Chest" which is a place that collects donations of clothes and toys for little kids. We go there about once a week for 2-3 hours and volunteer. They invited us to a luncheon, and to help them get ready for this huge garage sale they were going to have. They were going to sell all o their over-stock that they didn't have any room for. So, we invited the Elders because they needed community service and they didn't know about Hannah's . They arrived before us and were eating lunch in the corner when we got there. When we sat down next to them, one of the Elders leaned over and said "so this is like a charity group for old ladies, right?" and I looked around, THEY WERE THE ONLY MALES IN THE WHOLE PLACE!!!! Lololol! It was the funniest thing! The Elders were so awkward, but all the old ladies were obsessed with them. And they kept complimenting them on how buff they were and everything. It was just the funniest thing ever! The old ladies loved them. Also, if you go on Facebook and search maybe there will be pictures of me and Sis K. I love Hannah's. (Editor's note, Sis. K and Sis C are not on the site yet.)

But, here are a few pictures:

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