Friday, September 12, 2014

The raccoon story . . .

So it was really late one night and dark. Sis. King and I were walking home, and all of a sudden we see this raccoon just laying in someone's front yard! And I just freaked out because I've never seen a raccoon before! And Sis K said, "oh don't get too close it might be rabid!" But, it wasn't doing anything, it was just laying down and so she was thinking maybe it was sick or something. Cuz, they don't usually just chill like that. So, I whipped out my camera and so did Sis. K and we started taking pictures of it, but it was so dark we couldn't see the screens on our cameras and the flash was on and stuff, so we kept getting really bad pictures. We just kept snapping away. Then a man came out and asked us why were were taking pictures of his house!!! Oh my gosh, it was the most embarrassing thing ever!! We said, "No, sorry, there's a raccoon in your yard and we're not from here so we've never really seen one this close before! Sorry!" and then we ran away down the sidewalk super embarrassed and just laughing.

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