I hope you haven't forgotten me yet! My P-days are Mondays, and, well, I spent my last P-day riding on an airplane and spending the night at the mission president's huge, luxurious 3-story home before I was shipped off to . . . Centerville, Ohio! (Just outside of Dayton.) And, I just LOVE it here!
This little place is seriously like the little old All-American town, like it's so perfect it looks like a movie set. There is soooooo much grass and so many trees! I feel like I'm in a rain forest! And, everyone here just lives in the cutest little 2-story houses with porches and shutters. Seriously, it's like this place embodies what people imagine the American dream looks like. If utopia were real, it would look like Centerville, Ohio. Except not, because our area is very small. We share the town with 2 elders, so our area is really only half the town, and my companion told me that the sisters cover, the more upscale part of town, while the elders area covers more of the town that isn't quite as upscale . . .
I love it here. The ward has 200 active members! I swear it is humongous! A little overwhelming. . . . cuz I'm used to the nice 27 member singles ward :P haha. But, I love my area because no one has yards. It's all just one big continual front yard/back yard that everyone shares, and I love how no one has any fences or walls or defined yards or anything, it makes it feel sooooo much like a community. Everyone united together on one turf. It is extremely beautiful here. But, the people on the other hand . . . They are a totally different story . . . (To be continued)
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