Monday, March 9, 2015

The Highs and Lows of Cincinnati

We had dinner at a member's home. She was out of town for the entire first 6 weeks I was here in Cincinnati. She and her husband work at Proctor & Gamble, and they own like a million dollar apartment that they built themselves in downtown Cincinnati, overlooking the entire city. This was a view from her window. Like I've never been in such a luxurious apartment in my entire life!!! I felt like I was in a loft in New York!!! All her furniture was super nice and modern and from all over the world, because they travel so much for P&G. I swear, I thought that apartments this nice only existed on TV!!!  Sister Corbridge and I  didn't even know what to do with ourselves that place was just too clean and nice and expensive!

And, some other views from the mission . . . .

The Fashionista

Editor's note, We know Maggie is stretching her clothing situation somehow, we have never seen the same outfit twice in any emails! :) 

 There are definitely blizzards here in Ohio. This week. The weather here is known for its bipolar nature. So it will snow and then be sunny, then snow again, then be sunny. But its really really coming down hard today. We heard that there will most likely be up to 6 inches of snow.

Here is a funny picture that sister Corbridge took of me one morning. But this is me every morning. Trying to decide what to wear. I'm sooooooo bored with my clothes!!!! And I have bought like a ton of new clothes, and I raided the sister training leader's apartment after two sisters went home last transfer, so I have about twice as
many clothes as I came out with, yet I'm still bored with all my clothes!!!

So I have been really really bored with my own clothes lately (sorry, mom) so I went up one morning and asked Maxine if she had any sweaters that I could wear. My intentions when I asked her, were just so that I would stay warm, but then I found a gold mine of the frumpiest, ugliest, sweaters that I had ever seen and I just got soooooooo excited!!!!!! So I picked out this awesome grey one with cats on it. It even had shoulder pads!!!!! And I wore it. It was our first day at the nursing home where we scored these awesome volunteer jobs painting
nails for the elderly!!! :] It's seriously, one of the funnest jobs I have EVER had!! And that says a lot, because I've had some pretty fun jobs. But the home supplied us with all the nail supplies and all the nail polish, and we just sit in the lobby at a little desk, and they wheel the ladies in there to get their nails polished and manicured!!! :]

 I am staying in Cincinnati!!!  You can send me clothes mom, I do wear a lot of my clothing over and over and over
and over and over and over again, that's why I was wearing Maxine's clothes. I just wanted to change it up for a day. Also, she has a ton of warm sweaters and it was snowing all week that week, so that is why. Maxine didn't care. But just to let you know, I do plan on leaving multiple pieces of clothing behind when I DO leave here. So if you do send me clothes at all, don't be sending anything too expensive. Only the most expensive pieces will be the
ones that will come back on the plane with me because I will feel too badly giving those away.

The Fashionable Maxine!